Technology Consultancy and Advisory Services
- Overarching Architecture
- Common Maritime Data Structure (CMDS)
- Components of e-Navigation
- Shore Side Infrastructure
- Ship Side aspects (equipment, training, procedures)
- Communication (Maritime Cloud, Communication tools...)
- Marine Service Portfolios
- Test Beds
- Regional Cluster Developments
- Global Harmonization
IHO Domain
- S-57 and related standards (S-52, S-58, S-63, S-64)
- IHO GI Registry
- S-100 Series of Standards
- S-200 Series of Standards (IALA)
- S-xxx Series of Standards (IEHG...)
- Registry Domains
- Registers versus Registry
- Feature Concept Dictionary (Data Dictionary)
- Product Specifications
Marine Data Management
- Data Storage (databases, Bathy data storage, "Feature Object DB"...)
- Production Processes
- Tools and Services for MDM
- MDM optimization with considerations of organizational and regulatory conditions
- MDM changes due to upcoming standard changes
- MDM changes due to new data requirements of end users and Data Service Providers
Ship Electronics
- Integration of different systems
- Collaboration of different manufacturers
- Defining common interest
- Standards and Guidelines
Performance standards
Development and production standards - Guidelines
Human Centered Design
Software Quality Assurance
Type Approval
Maintenance and replacement - Equipment
Bridge Systems
INS - Data Integration
- Human Centered Design
Software Engineering
- Rational Unified Process
- Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
- Six Sigma
- Analyzing best development method (Spiral Development, Agile...)
- Time management
- Resource planning and optimization
- Integration of new development and sustaining work
Cyber Security
- Risk Assessment on Ship
- Risk Assessment on Shore
- Cyber Security in light of e-Navigation
- Cyber Security Guideline (BIMCO et all)
- Developing processes to reduce Cyber Security Risks
- Cyber-Safety versus Cyber-Security