Defining common interest
- Moderate cooperation and collaboration
- Mitigate risk of diversity and different focus and goals of different stakeholders
On IHO Topics:
- Advise on current standards and guidelines related to Hydrographic Data and products of Hydrographic Offices
- Advise on future developments and effect on HOs
- Implementation advice on IHO standards and guidelines
- Advise on how certain interest can be pushed forward
On IALA Topics:
- Current agreements between IALA members, specifically shore side administrations
- Development of shore side aspects of e-Navigation
- Necessary and beneficial collaboration with other IGOs/NGOs (e.g. IHO, IMO...)
Other IGOs and NGOs BM Bergmann Marine is engaged with:
- IAPH - International Association of Port and Harbors
- IHMA - International Harbour Master Association
- CIRM - Comité International Radio Maritime
- and others